Discours de S.E.M ISMAÏL OMAR GUELLEH Président de la République lors de la forum Intermodal Africa Forum and Exhibition in Djibouti

Ladies and Gentlemen

Distinguished guests

It is a great privilege for me today to share this occasion with you and welcome you all to the first Intermodal Africa Economic Forum and Exhibition in Djibouti, the largest of its kind in Africa with over 22 countries represented here today.

We should therefore take this opportunity to discuss what we have accomplished but, more importantly, to find the best way to capitalize on the opportunities that our continent offers to investors, particularly when it comes to the logistics and transport value chain.

In that regard, Djibouti has made some significant progress. We have invested heavily in infrastructure and made it a priority to develop our multimodal logistics platform along with key sectors such as clean, affordable energy sources and a robust ICT infrastructure to make this economic transition a reality. We have also made important policy changes to make the business environment more efficient and easier for all investors to navigate

Consequently, in the last two years alone we have moved up  44 places on the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index, we have also moved up 55 places on the Doing business Index and we have also been ranked the 4th best connected country in Africa in maritime transport after Morocco, South Africa and Egypt.

However, we are also here today to address the underlying issues that still pose a threat to our growth despite the great achievements of the last few years. In this regard, the infrastructure gap of our continent is, in my view, the biggest obstacle to our economic transformation. I am therefore hopeful that forums such as this one can help us come up with innovative solutions to those issues.

At the outset, the very fact that this assembly has brought together such a diverse group of investors and other stakeholders from all over the world shows how far we have come and the renewed momentum regarding growth and infrastructure.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Distinguished guests

In Djibouti, our ambition and our vision has been to become a international Maritime Hub, providing all the services related to logistics and transportation from discharging to bunkering, repairing and crew change. Following that strategy, we continue to develop our ports along with rail and road transport as well as air cargo with the total cargo transiting through djibouti valued at over 31 Billion USD in 2018.

Our next step is to ultimately leverage our multimodal logistics platform to transform goods within our borders and add value before exporting them. With this objective in mind, we have made it our goal to become a hub for production  and an important  entry point to the rest of the continent.

I’m thus very glad that our efforts have been recognized and felt throughout our region and would like to invite all investors and entrepreneurs to look to Djibouti as a place of business and wealth creation.

I would also like for you to take this opportunity to look further into innovative financing solutions and investing in the continent’s infrastructure because I can assure you that the yield will be considerable!

Africa is the continent of growth and therefore the returns far outweigh the risks particularly when it comes to investments in infrastructure when we put together the right deal with the right partners.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Distinguished guests

I am very pleased that the development paradigm has finally shifted and we now agree that we can only create a virtuous circle of growth and development if we create jobs and wealth through trade, production and investment in infrastructure along with inclusive financial sectors. Then only will the effect be felt on social sectors.

I wish you all a very fruitful and productive forum.

Thank you.